LABrewer exists to keep track of my beer brewing misadventures. LABrewer also serves as a space to collect, categorize and broadcast my thoughts and observations on the larger beer scene.
If you would wipe the brettanomyces slurry from your eyes you would see I am drinking a Miller Lite. It is what you drink at the Miller Lite Chili Cook-off 'cos you can't bring anything else into the park, unless you are huge body builder with Rutherford B. Hayes facial hair, in which case they will allow you to carry in one can of Bud Light and pose for photos.
I've been homebrewing since 1993. I've won some medals, I judge beer, I collect beer, I talk about beer on the radio, I teach beer classes, I'm a Maltose Falcon and sometimes I even write about beer.
If you would wipe the brettanomyces slurry from your eyes you would see I am drinking a Miller Lite. It is what you drink at the Miller Lite Chili Cook-off 'cos you can't bring anything else into the park, unless you are huge body builder with Rutherford B. Hayes facial hair, in which case they will allow you to carry in one can of Bud Light and pose for photos.
Well, maybe if you'd update your fucking blog more than twice a year I'd know these things, FUCKER.
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